Welcome to the Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Social Medicine for International Brotherhood (CRASMIB). We are a dedicated team of researchers and experts committed to advancing global health, fostering unity, and promoting the wisdom of Ayurveda and Social Medicine. Our mission is to bridge cultures, enhance well-being, and drive positive change through innovative research and collaborative initiatives.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Modern Ailments

Exploring the integration of ancient Ayurvedic practices with modern healthcare for improved holistic well-being.

Community Health Initiatives

Empowering underserved communities through targeted social medicine interventions and sustainable healthcare solutions.

International Health Exchange

Facilitating cross-border partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices in health and well-being.

Our Projects


Training on Medicinal Plants

The organization conducts training for small farmers on plantation of medicinal plants. The training is aimed at improving the quality of medicinal plant material being used in herbal medicines in the market.


Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls

CRASMIB has been actively involved in ensuring that adolescent girls have adequate knowledge & info about menstrual hygiene and the use of sanitary products


Campaign against Use of Polythene Bags

CRASMIB launched an awareness campaign against manufacturing, sale and use of polythene bags. Use of poor quality plastic bags has many harmful compounds that can easily mix with food and enter our system. 

Training to Farmers on Organic Farming

Training to Farmers on Organic Farming

The major activities under the scheme are in Soil & Moisture Conservation, Plantation, its maintenance and protection, which included Nursery raising, Soil and Moisture Conservation, Agro-forestry, Agro-horticulture, Silvi-pasture etc.

Promotion of Ayurved through Awareness, Training and Research

Promotion of Ayurved through Awareness, Training and Research

CRSMIB is engaged in doing pioneering work in
the development and propagation of
Ayurved, Yoga and Nature cure.

Water Management Project

Water Management Project

CRASMIB has been conducting
various ambitious projects on
the theme of Purity of Water &
Pollution Control in South Delhi
areas of educating people
through various training
programs since 2003.

Our Mission

The CRASMIB promotes sustainable and equitable social development with a team of dedicated social workers, activists and volunteers. It works against all forms of social, economic and political injustice and exploitation through motivating and mobilizing youth for the welfare and development; It strives for the welfare of the economically Weaker sections such as schedule caste/tribes, Minorities, unemployed youths, rural Adolescents and people belonging to low- income groups.

The CRASMIB Trust – Society has adapted education, community health, poverty –alleviation, environment protection, rural employment and creating a scientific temper in social life.

At the Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Social Medicine for International Brotherhood, we invite you to become a driving force for positive change.

Your involvement can shape a healthier world and foster global unity.

Appreciations & Accolades


All the efforts of this centre for research in Ayurved and social medicine for international brotherhood, are dedicated towards the service of mankind for its betterment and achieve heights of knowledge, and render it for the good of the common peoples.

It safeguards conduct of communities from the fear of falling down human status, standards, and achievements of knowledge for preparing and repairing the natural pattern of living stable, and without fear by realisation and reason, and also seeking normalisation of Conflicts in theory as well as in practice in traditional and modern form of living.

It needs to strength the patience and understanding by realised philosophy arrangements in the coming generation with their strength of intellectualism of the presents by this organisation

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